Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Many Uses for Privacy Glass Panels

If you are one of those people that think architectural glass walls consists of those thick glass blocks that distort images, or of those mirrored plates of glass you frequently see on high rise buildings, then you need to know some of the amazing things people are doing with sheets of glass today.

While privacy glass panels were once used primarily to create a window in a bathroom, or to create shower doors that could not be seen through, now they are used as decorative, and as practical items. You can still use these panels to stop people from being able to see inside an area, but you can also use them to add life, and charm to an otherwise dull area.

Technology has provided us with glass that is stronger than it ever was. We can create fully tempered panels that are lined with lead, that are different colors, and that are etched by a sand blaster, that resist breaking, and fluctuating temperatures. We can even now create panels that are completely clear, until you turn a switch on, and then they become translucent. You can instantly have privacy glass, where you had a normal, clear sheet, just moments before.

These pieces are great for use in medical establishments like clinics, hospitals, and dental offices. The staff have the ability to provide privacy in any area by flipping a switch, and they can also leave an area open to extra light, and so that they can watch a patient more closely. This is ideal in intensive care units, mental care facilities, and in pediatric wards as well. Anywhere they need to have a clear view into a room, but also need to retain the ability to have privacy in that room. Another winning point for using glass in these types of facilities is the fact that it can be completely sterilized. It is a non porous substance that will not harbor any germs or bacteria, and will not break down do to frequent cleaning with harsh chemicals.

These panels are great in the work place, because they do allow light to enter the work area. Working stations and offices can cause people to strain their eyes trying to see in the poor lighting they have. When you create glass walls you allow light from other areas to spill into your room, and to give you a better ability to see. With the new panes that can be changed from clear to translucent you can even maintain the elements of privacy within your personal office, but keep the light flowing into the room.

Many people are placing the panels that have the ability to transform into conference rooms. These panels can be put into motion, to the tune of music, by merely making some of the panels be clear, while others change to translucent and back. The display is eye catching to say the least, and when you want to show projected images during a meeting these panels make the perfect projection screen.